Online tools that help me grow as a developer?

Interesting question - over the years tools change, others come a go. But, I would have to say there have been a few consistent tools I use to learn and grow as a developer.

The biggest one for me would have to be YouTube. I've been using YouTube for years to learn. I use the platform to watch tutorials, find solutions to issues I am having, and expand my understand of the space as a whole. From watching videos by my favorite creators to watching keynotes, YouTube has become an invaluable tool in my toolbox.

I would recommend YouTube for all skill levels. If you are just starting out find creators creating content/tutorials in the areas you care about. Watch multiple videos on the same subject from different creators. If you have been in the space for years, find technical talks from companies in your space, see how they are building and learn from their pain points.

Following YouTube, I read articles all the time. I don't have a specific platform I use, but many... Medium, DEV Community, Hashnode, etc. You can find just about anything on their platforms that will help you grow as a developer. I can't recommend it more.

Part of growing as a developer is keeping up with new advancements, platforms, and tools in the space. This admittedly can be quite difficult since it's always changing. To help keep up with what's going on in the space I use Twitter, and the developer communities I am part of. This is a great way to stay up to date.

I want to highlight being part of communities. Not only are they a great way to stay up to date, you meet amazing people, creating lasting connections. Communities are a great way to grow as a developer. You are able to learn from others, but also help or teach others as well, which is a great skill to have as a developer.

Tools come and go, but as long as you stay curious, there will be resources available that will help you grow as a developer.

Til next time - Happy coding!